How to get creative ideas Minimalist Modern Home Garden Design

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Here is a concept idea of ​​building a modern minimalist home garden that you can apply in your home.Model design for the garden at home is not too minimalist style should always be with a minimalist model. You can give a certain amount of knick-knacks that you minimalist front garden looks more comfortable and immaculate course also beautiful.

creative ideas Minimalist Modern Home Garden Design

You can add a small pond that is approximately the size of 1 x 1 meter or more can be customized with your front yard wide. To form your own pool is not required shape with circular or rectangular shape, you can form in accordance with your taste on this mini pool.

At the mini pool you can maintain some examples of ornamental fish such as koi or other ornamental fish. You also can add aquatic plants like lotus plants. At the edge of the pond you can grow plants that do not grow too high so as not to cover up the small pool.

To add to the impression of green on the edge of the mini pond you can add some plants that have been in bonsai, bonsai plants because in general will remain small in size but has high artistic value. You can also add some hanging plants that add to the impression of a beautiful and minimalist shade in your garden.

Similarly, reviews and tips How to get creative ideas Minimalist Modern Home Garden Design,Good luck and start creating your dream making minimalist garden so they can make the atmosphere calm and comfortable in your home

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